CUSTOMIZED SOLUTIONS: Our ZPellets eliminate liquid waste and sludge management concerns. Not only are ZorbsMORE products cost effective, they yield a tremendous improvement in process efficiency and reduced cycle time, which provides significant reduction in overall costs related to processing material. Labor costs, equipment costs, fuel cost, and worker exposure are all reduced, as is overall project liability.
ZorbsMORE will save you money and increase your bottom line.
ZorbsMORE industrial absorbents are the first choice for absorption and solidification, used in a wide range of industrial applications (dredging, oil and gas, coal filter cake reuse, waste water management, leachate management, remediation of contaminated sludge/fly ash/mercury ponds, and many other uses).
Our patented ZPellets absorb 6x their weight in free standing water, and 10x-25x their weight in a sludge mix.
Our super absorbent ZPellets reduce material costs, cycle time, load outs, and overall project costs. Our ZCoal polymer is formulated to mix with coal filter cake (a bi-product of burning gob coal), efficiently converting filter cake into a product that can easily be handled for reintroduction back into the coke oven.
Other ZorbsMORE products are used for dust control, asphalt release, horse bedding, and expandable sand bags.
With ZorbsMORE the Math Is Simple
LESS material cost, LESS cycle time, LESS labor, LESS trucking, LESS fuel costs, LESS insurance exposure, and LESS headache.
ZorbsMORE leaves MORE money in your pockets.
ZorbsMORE CUSTOMERS consist of a large cross-section of private and public entities spread across the USA and Canada.
ZorbsMORE INNOVATION: We believe in leading from the front. We do this by listening to our customers and innovating. We use a patented selection of recycled organic agricultural fibers, mixed with a specific population range of polymers along with our state-of-the-art proprietary blending production process.
OUR TEAM: Experienced and supported by our product engineers, laboratory, shipping, sales, and service personnel.
VISIT US: Our corporate offices are located at 1525 Western Ave, Albany, New York, where a visit is always welcomed.