
ZPellets for
Lagoon Pond Cleanup

The ZPellet Difference

For the cleanup of lagoons and ponds, ZPellets provide some unique advantages. In situations where waste liquid materials require absorption and solidification, ZPellets will require less material and reduce project costs. Our absorbents are very light weight. They are mixed with waste water, sludges, and slurries and used in many soil remediation projects (mercury contamination, animal waste ponds, fly ash remediation, and others). ZPellets have 6X absorbency in freestanding water and  
10X – 25X absorbency with sludges.

Our Advantages

Save at the Landfill

Due to their reduced weight, you’ll see major savings and reduced disposal fees at the landfill. Super absorption power of ZPellets means far less materials are needed compared with all other available materials. This results in significantly reduced project costs (handling, hauling, labor, insurance, etc.).

Designed For Projects Of All Shapes and Sizes

We recognize that each lagoon and pond clean-up project has unique nuances. The experts at ZorbsMORE are here to explain how ZPellets can help you save time, save money, and help grow your business.

Call 833-349-6727 Today For More Information

After hours? We are still happy to help! Please call 330-835-7742

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