ZorbsMORE Makes Impressive Showing at Western Dredging Association’s East Coast Technical Conference
ZorbsMORE was proud to sponsor WEDA’s (Western Dredging Association) East Coast technical conference in Maryland. We had a lot of fans as ZorbsMORE showed off our product’s impressive capabilities. Attendees who visited, witness Z-Pellets’ absorption and solidification capabilities with standing-water and dredged material. Attendees referred to Z-Pellets as “A game-changer”, “Unbelievable!”, and “Miraculous”. We were pleased to demo Z-Pellets for Jason Raimondi, NE US Sediments Lead at Wood Environment and Infrastructure Solutions. Jason was clearly impressed by the solidification capabilities. He poses in the photo below holding a pen that supports a 1 Lb container of solidified dredged material, solidified using a 15 to 1 ratio by weight of Z-Pellets to dredged sediment. The dredged material was scooped at the dock from Carver Companies Port of Coeymans. It was wet and sloppy with a 15%+ moisture content. Jason was excited about including Z-Pellets in his upcoming testing. Other accolades came from Andrew Timmis, WEDA Eastern chapter president, Dave Johanson, VP of Great Lakes Dredge & Dock and engineers from USACE.